Once you reach Cato Neimoidia (The Eastern Arch), enter the Infinite Nebstar Casino, and get to the end of it. Play as Guybrush Threepwood (from Monkey Island) Have a saved game file from the original Star Wars: The Force Unleashed with both endings viewed to unlock the Ceremonial Jedi Robes, Sith Stalker Armor, and Sith Training Gear costumes.
#Starwars force unleashed ps4 code#
Stormtrooper costumeĮnter " TK421" as a code to unlock the Stormtrooper costume.Įnter " SHADOW" as a code to unlock the Terror Trooper costume. Sith Training Droid costumeĮnter " HOLODROID" as a code to unlock the Sith Training Droid costume. Sith Acolyte costumeĮnter " HAAZEN" as a code to unlock the Sith Acolyte costume. Scout Trooper costumeĮnter " HARPER" as a code to unlock the Scout Trooper costume. Saber Guard costumeĮnter " MORGUKAI" as a code to unlock the Saber Guard costume. Rebel Trooper costumeĮnter " REBELSCUM" as a code to unlock the Rebel Trooper costume. Rebel Commando costumeĮnter " SPECFORCE" as a code to unlock the Rebel Commando costume. Nemoidian costumeĮnter " GUNRAY" as a code to unlock the Nemoidian costume. Jump Trooper costumeĮnter " AJP400" as a code to unlock the Jump Trooper costume. General Kota costumeĮnter " RAHM" as a code to unlock the General Kota costume. Experimental Jedi Armor (good apprentice) costumeĮnter " NOMI" as a code to unlock the Experimental Jedi Armor (good apprentice) costume. Dark Apprentice costumeĮnter " VENTRESS" as a code to unlock the Dark Apprentice costume. Boba Fett costumeĮnter " MANDALORE" as a code to unlock the Boba Fett costume. MindtrickĮnter " YARAEL" as a code to unlock Mindtrick. Lightsaber ThrowĮnter " TRAYA" as a code to unlock Lightsaber Throw. Force RepulseĮnter " MAREK" as a code to unlock Force Repulse. White Lightsaber Crystal (Wisdom)Įnter " SOLARI" as a code to unlock the White Lightsaber Crystal (Wisdom), which grants more Force Points for enemy kills. Then, enter one of the following codes to unlock the corresponding bonus:Įnter " LIBO" as a code to unlock the Dark Green Lightsaber Crystal (Healing). Pause the game, choose the "Options" selection, and select the "Cheat Codes" option.